Monday, May 18, 2009

Departure Day

5:30am on Friday, May 8th came awful early know that today was our day. The day to go and fulfill what we set out to do back in September. The day to follow through with our commitment. Not in the classrooms, meetings, or in front of the media, but in the all powerful and awe inspiring state size lake. Where we were all alone and and at the discretion of the lake.

While we were began packing our kayaks family and friends congregated to show watch and show their support. I must say that is was much more difficult packing and organizing with everyone looking over your shoulder. As a result I might have forgotten to speak to a few people, which I am sorry for, and I forgot a few important items, like spare propane canisters and my rain coat...ooops! No worries. Everyone was surprised at how much we could fit in our boats. It never goes in the same way twice.

Once everything was packed we hugged and kissed everyone as we all wiped the tears of joy and fear from our faces and we assured them that we would see them soon. After a few questions from reporters we put on our gear. Dana's uncle Jim gave an emotional beautiful prayer and we took seat in our kayaks as friends pushed us off shore. "Bon Voyage. See you soon!" we exclaimed as we paddled under the Mackinaw Bridge and off into the distance.

No looking back now. No last minute preparation. No last goodbyes. Just myself, Dana, and the lake. We were off, into the known and unknown. On our way to paddling 1,000 miles of one of the biggest lakes in the world!

Our first day we paddled the Straights of Mackinaw, around Waugoshance Point, and through Sturgeon Bay to locate our first camp on the back side of Wilderness State Park. The view was spectacular with a one of a kind sunset and we set the tent up on top of a small sand hill. After pulling our boats to safety and changing from our wet gear to wool sleeping clothes we dined on the delicacies of Ramen noodles, pan fry bread, pop tarts, bananas, and water filtered with our very own hands from the lake. After clean up and journaling it was headlights out...

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