Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Date change

Ok...I kept forgetting to update the blog in regards to our earlier departure date, but that is what I am doing now. 

Our previous date of departure was May 26th. Now we are leaving May 8th. Not a huge deal except for the fact that the water temps will be hovering around the low 40's as opposed to low 50's, on average,  and the air temps will be about ten degrees colder not to mention the freezing nights. I will either be sleeping in my gear or on top of the fire : )  

More meetings tonight to discuss fundraising and lots of training this afternoon. 

Have a great day! 


1 comment:

buck said...

Sounds like a good idea to leave early, cooler but a lot less mosquitoes and other irritable flying insects and after five or six days without a shower you won’t smell nearly as bad as you will when its 90.